Information material

Here you can take part of digital information material produced by MyRight such as films, reports and brochures. To order home printed material, contact us via


A billion
reasons to include

A report on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the work on Agenda 2030.


8 steps
for change

Guide for the inclusion of people with disabilities in development assistance and global development cooperation.



A report on disability, inclusion and rights. 

Omslaget av rapporten Empowered

To conquer
the world

A report on the links between poverty and disability.

Omslaget för rapporten Att Erövra Världen

To Face

A report on the global situation for women with disabilities.

Omslaget för rapporten To Face Life


info folder

An information folder about MyRights and our work.

A world
for everyone

A brochure on the link between poverty and disability.

With equality against poverty

About the conditions of girls and women with disabilities in the world.

Organize, include

About the rights of people with disabilities.

Leave no
one behind

On inclusive humanitarian interventions in armed conflicts.
Förstasida på broschyr.
Omslag på handboken Inkludera Flera.

Handbook in commitment!

Include Several! has produced a handbook that will inspire and support you who want to get involved in international issues with a focus on human rights for people with disabilities.


Peace for all: Inclusion of persons with disabilities in peacebuilding

The study "Peace for all - Inclusion of persons with disabilities in peacebuilding" 2020 and the purpose was to gather knowledge and experience about current policies, strategies and methods within various parts of the international community regarding the inclusion of persons with disabilities in peace processes and initiatives. The study also includes in-depth country studies in Sri Lanka and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

MyRights movies

Our films are available with and without text in different languages, visually interpreted and sign language interpreted.

The films are free to use, but feel free to tell me that it was MyRight who produced them.