

Here you will find information about MyRight's finances, salaries, fundraising policy and our annual reports.

Salary and fees

MyRights styrelse anställer generalsekreteraren och beslutar om lönen. Lönen revideras årligen och ökar i takt med organisationen i övrigt.
Tidigare generalsekreterare Jesper Hansén hade en månadslön på 54 700 kronor (till och med 31 aug 2024 då tjänsten avslutades). Tjänstepensionen var i enlighet med kollektivavtal och inga andra pensions- eller övriga tillägg avtalades med generalsekreteraren.

This is how we ensure that your gift is used correctly

It is not possible to raise money and make effective efforts without costing anything. In order to achieve both acute and lasting improvements for people with disabilities living in poverty, we must invest some money in administration - that is, management, planning, marketing, coordination, follow-up and quality controls.

Administrative costs are a prerequisite and a guarantee for the money to reach out and make a difference and for us to be able to work long-term. We use 10 percent of your contribution to necessary administration.

Everyone should be able to participate in development cooperation, regardless of any disability. Approximately 17 percent of our costs are expenses for accessibility adaptation, such as sign language interpretation.

Fundraising policy

MyRight's fundraising policy regulates how MyRight seeks and receives financial support. The purpose of the policy is to clarify how we relate to fundraising work, and to strengthen our donors' opportunity for transparency in our fundraising activities. To achieve transparency in fundraising, MyRight's employees, members and others who participate in our fundraising work follow the fundraising policy below.

MyRight's fundraising policy is based on the values that the organization stands for and MyRight should only collaborate with actors who stand for the same values.

External control

90-account - a quality guarantee

MyRight has a 90-account, which means that we meet the requirements Swedish Collection Control has formulated for all fundraising organizations. For non-profit organizations that have a 90-account, a maximum of 25 percent of the total income may be used for fundraising and administration.

Give Sweden

MyRight is a member of Give Sweden, formerly the Voluntary Organizations' Fundraising Council, which reviews that our fundraising is conducted in a transparent, ethical and professional manner.

Giva Sverige's quality code is the fundraising industry's self-regulatory instrument that serves as a support in each individual organization's quality work. Every member of Giva Sverige must follow the quality code. The code is comprehensive and sheds light on an organization's operations from a broad perspective, all with the aim of building a sustainable and transparent structure with good internal control and governance.

Internal control

To ensure that the money really goes to the right things and is useful, we follow up the operations in close dialogue with our partners. Annually, we carry out several economic and performance-based random samples, follow-up visits to funded activities, and review the partner organizations' performance reports and the local auditors' reports.

Planning and evaluation meetings are held regularly together with the partner organizations. In all our operations, risk analyzes and risk management plans are carried out to minimize the risk of corruption and fraud as well as the risk of not achieving set goals.

Every year, internal auditors are elected by MyRight's annual meeting. During the year, they review the board's work to ensure that the association's board runs the association based on the members' interests. An audit report is submitted annually to the annual meeting.


MyRight's external authorized auditor is from the firm KPMG. The auditor examines that MyRight's annual report complies with the Annual Accounts Act and that we comply with the rules added by being members of Giva Sweden and Swedish Fundraising Control. They also check that MyRight complies with all agreements with ForumCiv for development cooperation and information work.

Annual reports

Omslagsbild för MyRights årsrapport 2023.

In MyRight's annual report, we collect this year's events and results from the business.


We care that you feel safe in your contacts with us. Therefore, we have adapted our handling of personal data to the new and stricter Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Read how we handle your personal information in our privacy policy.


MyRights financiers

Allmänna Arvsfonden logotyp

The Inheritance Fund

ForumCiv logotyp


Kahane Foundation logotyp.

Kahane Foundation

Sida logotyp
