MyRight and UN Women invite you to a webinar on women with disabilities in peacebuilding.
Watch the webinar on YouTube here. The webinar has English subtitles and international sign language interpretation.
20 years with UNSCR 1325 and two years with UNSCR 2475 - What difference have it made for women and girls with disabilities?
MyRight and UN Women invite participants to reflect on the intersection between disability rights, gender and inclusive peace and political processes.
Speakers: Toyin Janet Aderemi, Disability Inclusion Expert and Winner of the Her Abilities Award in 2018
Virginia Atkinson, Senior Global Advisor, Inclusion, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
Shyamala Gomez, Executive Director, Center for Equality and Justice
Caroline Atim, Director at South Sudan Women with Disabilities Network and co-founder of SSWDN, Disability Rights Activist Advocate.
Batool Abuali - A Syrian peacebuilder and a youth and social advocate
Jelena Mišić, Disability rights activist from Bosnia-Herzegovina
AH Monjurul Kabir, UN Coordination Adviser on Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion, UN Women
Hanna Gerdes (moderator), Founder Hanna and Goliath Law & Education