Rubriken för årets förord, skriven av MyRights ordförande Göran Alfredsson och generalsekreterare Jesper Hansén, lyder: ”Året började och slutade på topp – trots allt”. För 2020 var verkligen ett ovanligt år.
Many activities had to be canceled or changed in various ways. What you generally seem to have succeeded well with, is to adjust your advocacy work. People with disabilities around the world have been hit hard by the pandemic. It is about everything from inaccessible information on how to protect oneself against the virus to reduced access to necessary medical care due to the re-prioritisations that have been made. A closed society, where teaching and other things are assumed to take place digitally, is also a society that risks becoming inaccessible to many. These are partly new issues that partner organizations began to work on.
Read more about what happened in MyRight's operations in 2020 in the annual report, which you can find here: MyRights annual report 2020 (pdf)