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Did you know that 15 percent of the world's population lives with functional impairment and belong to the most marginalized groups in society? Since 1981, MyRight has worked to ensure that people with disabilities worldwide have increased access to their rights and can live independently, freed from poverty, in inclusive societies.
Gå med oss i att stå bakom MyRights arbete för att stärka världens största minoritet. Läs mer här: https://myright.se/
#MyRight #DisabilityInclusion #HumanRights
Being a woman with a disability and living in poverty means triple discrimination. In addition to discrimination based on disability and gender, poverty is a third factor that deprives people of many basic rights.
Funktionsnedsättningar har en tydlig tendens att sänka kvinnors redan låga status.
MyRight works around the world to fight this inequality, read more here: https://myright.se/
#MyRight #DisabilityInclusion #HumanRights #GenderEquality
Up to nine out of ten children with disabilities in low-income countries do not go to school. Education is a decisive factor in breaking out of poverty, and children who lack access to schooling face significantly worse conditions on the labor market, which increases the risk of becoming stuck in poverty.
In order to open the closed classrooms and allow children with disabilities to reach their full potential, targeted efforts are required to ensure that schools become accessible to all.
Read more about MyRights' work for inclusive education and support their work by visiting: https://myright.se/
#MyRight #DisabilityInclusion #HumanRights #InclusiveEducation
Organisation number: 802402-9376
© MyRight 2023