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Global Disability Summit - MyRight

Global Disability Summit

The Global Disability Summit (GDS) will be held on 16-17 February. GDS is a global summit where representatives from governments, authorities, financiers, the private sector and civil society organizations meet to contribute in various ways to strengthening the functional rights perspective.  A "Youth Summit", a "Civil Society Forum" and about 80 seminars, so-called Side Events, are also held in connection with the meeting.

Global Disability summit logotyp

Why is the summit being held?

The summit and all events surrounding the meeting contribute to raising awareness among states and international actors and directing focus on global functional rights issues. The goals of the summit are to share experiences and good examples and to strengthen organizations of people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries and their relations with their decision-makers. At the summit, the commitments made at the previous summit in 2018 will be followed up and new commitments made.  

Which issues are prioritized?

The 2022 Summit will focus in particular on issues of meaningful participation, including education, livelihoods and social safety nets, health, crises and conflicts and climate change. Sweden will make new commitments and participate with staff from Sida, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Swedish Participation Authority. Many civil society organizations, such as MyRight and Diakonia, also participate in the meeting in various ways.

Read more and sign up

Here you will find more information and sign up: https://www.globaldisabilitysummit.org/


Here you will find information about seminars / side events on 16 and 17 February: https://www.globaldisabilitysummit.org/pages/side-events-under-the-auspices-of-the-gds-2022


Here you as a youth can register for the youth summit "Youth Summit" which will be held on February 14 via zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ISSYSCgaStGvZHKahTqbzg


Here, you who are active in a Swedish functional rights organization can register for the Civil Society Forum, which will be held on 15 February via zoom: https://registration.tappin.no/register/civilsocietyforum

What does MyRight hope the summit will lead to?

  •  That Sweden and Sida increase the number of targeted initiatives that go to the work with poverty reduction and the work for human rights for people with disabilities.

  • That more actors should work actively for increased inclusion as well as increased accessibility.

  • That Sweden and Swedish actors should start up, or strengthen already existing, functional rights perspectives within their activities and increase their collaborations with organizations of people with disabilities.

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