The support from DAOK has given Jhapat's family a better life

- The support we have received from DAOK has improved my family's life. Now we are only thinking about expanding the business, says Deepa Saud.

Jhapat Bahadur Saud is married to Deepa Saud. Deepa is hearing and Jhapat is deaf. They got married in 2016 and live in the village of Kailali in eastern Nepal with their two children. Before the couple came into contact with the Deaf Association of Kailali, it was difficult to communicate, they had no common language. The couple also had a tough time financially and at times had no income at all. When the couple had their first child, Jhapat started to get really worried about the future.

-I had no idea what to do and how to improve my income, at the same time I knew that expenses would increase in the coming years due to my children's schooling, says Jhapat.

Jhapat had no opportunity to share his worries and thoughts with Deepa nor could they make a plan to handle the situation together.

-One day Vijaya Saud, secretary of DAOK, came to my house and told me that a training course in Nepali sign language had started in our village. Both Deepa and I received six months of training. It has facilitated our communication, and we can discuss our family affairs and future dreams together, says Jhapat.

Through DAOK, Jhapat has received training in goat breeding and has started raising goats on his own. He gets a certain profit and with a loan he has now started a small meat and food shop in his own house.

-There was no monthly income before, I used to go to India with my friends in the village for seasonal work to support my family.

Now the family can save a little every month and Jhapat no longer has to go to India and leave the family alone.

två illustrationer på nepalesiska teckenspråket

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