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MyRights årsmöte 2023 - nytt datum! - MyRight

MyRights annual meeting 2023 - new date!

Invitation to the MyRights annual meeting

When: Thursday 20 June, 09.00-11.00

Where: digitally via Zoom

Several of the partner organizations in the ForumCiv program have delivered very late annual financial reports this year. For this reason, MyRight's own financial statements have been delayed this year, which in turn means that the audit is carried out later than planned. For this reason, we are forced to move the annual meeting.

The board is aware that this is not in accordance with the requirements of MyRight's statutes, but an annual meeting requires both financial statements and a report from the auditors.

MyRight's member organizations are hereby invited to the regular annual meeting. The annual meeting is the association's highest decision-making body and is held annually.

The annual meeting on June 20 is digital and held via Zoom, link will be sent after the registration deadline.

Read more and register via the button below.

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