A country with many pitfalls
Åsa Nilsson är med som ledsagare när Synskadades Riksförbund besöker
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Åsa Nilsson är med som ledsagare när Synskadades Riksförbund besöker
Harness is 11 years old. He has a disease called hydrocephalus. It can lead to dementia and physical disabilities. Sele has been lucky enough to attend a school that has chosen to learn how they can adapt the school and teaching so that Sele can participate.
RSMH Roslagen - Riksförbundet för Social och Mental Hälsa supports an organization in Bolivia that works with the model social work cooperatives. The work of recent years has led to jobs and faith in the future, which has attracted the attention of many, not least the Bolivian government.
In the village of Arani, 70 percent of the inhabitants can escape and now a number of women are building up a new cooperative where they organize.
Inclusive education is a major challenge, not least for poor countries where knowledge about various disabilities is still low.
In Bolivia, few people know the difference between being deaf and having a hearing impairment. Therefore, APANH has turned to healthcare and discussed the importance of making the right diagnosis as early as possible
The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired's co-operation organization RUB - Rwanda Union of the Blind has won an award for its work in educating, engaging and giving a voice to people with visual impairments in Rwanda.
Jado lives with his family in the small village of Urugero, in the eastern province of Rwanda. He has six children. Two of them are blind. None of the sons have been allowed to go to the village school because the teachers have not considered it relevant that they should receive an education.
In MyRight's newsletter, we write about international disability issues and our work.
Organisation number: 802402-9376
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