

The political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is complicated by several different so-called cantons and political levels. This complicates the work of changing the country's laws so that they become more inclusive.

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Examples of MyRight's work in Bosnia-Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have, among other things, projects to strengthen people with visual impairments and reduced mobility and their organizations so that accessibility in society will be better. We also work to increase the independence of people with intellectual disabilities and provide opportunities for them to practice different sports. Sports activities fulfill many functions. It provides, for example, community and increased physical and mental health.

MyRight works very actively to strengthen networks for people with disabilities and support their work for increased equality, accessibility and awareness.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified in 2010 and in recent years the follow-up work has gained momentum. Our partner organizations have worked intensively to follow up the state's responsibility and compliance with the convention.

MyRight in Bosnia and Herzegovina has also had a special focus on inclusion in health care. Among other things, a code for care staff has been developed, which has led to increased accessibility and quality for people with disabilities. You can download a brochure in English with the healthcare code further down the page.

An information campaign on the rights of people with disabilities under the slogan "Proud of ourselves" (PonosniNaSebe) has had a great impact. The campaign was carried out at national level and has, among other things, resulted in demands for changes in the law and price reductions for various aids and services that people with disabilities need. The campaign had reached half a million people on Facebook in 2017 and generated 2.5 million reactions and had 200,000 people rewrite or share posts.

MyRight in Bosnia and Herzegovina has also developed a high-profile code of conduct for the media (available for download further down the page). The use of this codex has contributed to increased understanding among the mass media about disability issues from a rights perspective and how people with disabilities are portrayed in media contexts.

MyRight's partner organisations in Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Association for Mutual Help in Mental Distress (TK Fenix)
  • Association of Citizens Information Center for Persons with Disabilities in Tuzla (IC LOTOS)
  • Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Canton Sarajevo (OAZA)
  • Association of the Blind People of the Canton of Sarajevo (USGKS)
  • Association of paraplegics, polio sufferers and other physically disabled people of the Doboj region
  • Ruzicnjak Los Rosalesa – Mostar

Stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina