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Democracy has existed in Peru since 1980, but the country's political scene has been marked by periods of political instability and conflict.
Although Peru has experienced rapid economic growth for several years, this growth has slowed recently and led to cuts in social resources.
Example MHANOPREM, the Association for the Habilitation and Normalization of People with Intellectual Disabilities, is a dedicated partner organization working in Peru to improve the living conditions of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Guided by its mission and vision, our partner organization in Peru works to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. This is achieved by promoting self-determination, skills for independent living and increased participation in society.
Through collaborations with the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Directorate of Integrated Health Networks in Lima (DIRIS), HANOPREM plays a crucial role today. These authorities are central decision-makers regarding HANOPREM's education program, the Independent Living Programme. Currently offered to all stakeholders in Peru, this program emphasizes the importance of autonomy and independence for people with intellectual disabilities, promoting their active participation in society.
Organisation number: 802402-9376
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