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Visselblåsarfunktion - MyRight

Report suspected corruption

MyRight has a whistleblower service. It is a channel for sounding the alarm about deviations from our policies and guidelines.

The purpose of the service is to encourage the general public, employees and partners to communicate suspected irregularities without risk of reprisals and to ensure a safe investigation process. The service reduces the risk of misconduct and is part of our work against corruption and other irregularities.

Do you have suspicions of corruption and irregularities linked to our business? 
Then you can report your suspicions here. Our whistleblower function is also available for those of you who suspect that someone is doing badly in MyRight's business. You can also make a report if you yourself are exposed to violations or abuse within the organisation.

MyRight has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, violations and abuses.

Poverty and corruption go hand in hand. The poorest people are often most affected by corruption and abusive discrimination, which creates a vicious circle. Corruption poses a serious threat to development and counteracts everything MyRight stands for and strives for.

MyRight's strategy for fighting corruption is therefore to always prevent, never accept, always inform and always act. If you suspect corruption, please report via the form below or contact us via antikorruption@myright.se. Only activities funded by MyRight can be investigated.

You have the opportunity to remain anonymous and all fields in the form do not need to be filled in. Your application is treated confidentially, regardless of whether the application is anonymous or not. 

As part of the important work to maintain safety and security within the organization, all staff within MyRight have a duty to report any irregularities (link MyRight code of conduct). 

What happens next?
In the event of information about suspected corruption and irregularities linked to our operations, we always act in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Depending on the nature of the suspicion, we take the necessary measures, internally but also externally through reporting to the police and other relevant authorities.

You can choose to remain anonymous throughout the process, but if you feel comfortable providing your personal information, we encourage you to do so, in order to be able to handle your registration even better.

Thanks to your notification, MyRight can become aware of misconduct at an early stage and take effective action. 

Thank you for your dedication!