
Become a member organisation

Apply for membership!

Does your organization want to contribute to a world where people with disabilities have access to their rights? Do you want to become part of the Swedish functional rights movement's umbrella organization for international development cooperation? Då ska ni bli organisationsmedlem i MyRight.

Funktionsrättsorganisationer som vill främja MyRights syfte och som bedriver verksamhet i överensstämmelse med våra ändamål kan bli fullvärdiga medlemmar med rösträtt. Andra organisationer som stödjer MyRights verksamhet kan bli stödmedlemmar.

Organizations applying for projektbidrag at MyRight must be full members.

For more information and application, contact MyRight

When you are a member of MyRight

  • become part of the Swedish functional rights movement's umbrella organization for international development cooperation.
  • you strengthen MyRights' voice in the work to ensure that people with disabilities around the world enjoy equal rights and opportunities for a dignified life free from poverty in inclusive societies.
  •  you receive the MyRights newsletter 6 times a year.
  • you are invited to knowledge days, seminars and trainings and are encouraged to participate in various debates.
  • do you pay as support members 1 000 SEK per year.  
  • do you pay as full member SEK 10,000 per year, with the exception of youth organizations which pay SEK 5,000 per year. Full members also pay a variable part that is based on the number of own members and project scope.

MyRight's member organisations

MyRight has 21 member organizations whose joint membership base amounts to 200,000 members.