When your company supports MyRight with at least SEK 10,000, you become our Friend Company for one year.
As a thank you, you will receive a communication package:
Er gåva stödjer MyRights arbete att stärka mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning runt om i världen. Pengarna används där behoven är som störst.
As a thank you for your gift, you will receive a digital diploma that you can share with your customers and employees.
It is also possible to give a gift to our Plusgiro account: 90 01 10-8
Tack för ert stöd!
MyRight's goal is always to work with effective and long-term efforts. We use your money where the needs are greatest - and where our experts judge that they do the most good.
We have extensive experience of working with human rights for people with disabilities in many countries - and we know what it takes to achieve lasting improvements in various areas.
We do not earmark gifts for specific purposes, as it is important that we always have a buffer of money that we can use immediately.
Som vänföretag stödjer ert företag MyRight med minst 10 000 kronor och är då vänföretag under ett år.
As a thank you, you will receive a communication package:
Har du några frågor gällande företagsgåvor och samarbeten, kontakta:
Madeleine Jangard, Ansvarig företagssamarbeten
E-mail: madeleine.jangard@myright.se
Telephone: +46 (0) 885 15 62
Organisation number: 802402-9376
© MyRight 2023