
Excluded from decision-making and influence processes

Although pPeople with disabilities are disproportionately affected by climate change, they are often excluded from decision-making processes at all levels.

Två unga kvinnor i rullstol sitter bredvid varandra, vi ser deras ryggar
MyRights Peace for all workshop in Bosnia Herzegovina 2021.

Strategies, policies and decisions about climate almost always lack a functional law perspective. People with disabilities and their organizations are needed in the work for more resilient and sustainable societies.

However, organizations of people with disabilities are almost never invited to negotiations, talks and if they are invited, often lack of accessibility prevents them from participating in the conversations and making their voices heard.

What is needed:

That people with disabilities and organizations of people with disabilities include and ensure meaningful participation in conversations and decision-making processes and advocacy work on the environment and climate.

That analyzes of climate include people with disabilities' needs and perspectives as well as the consequences it may have for different groups.

That money is set aside for accessibility and inclusion in efforts for the climate.

That there is a functional law perspective in all climate policies, documents and decisions.

Read more about climate and environment here

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