Meet the people in MyRight's projects

Here you can read personal stories and take part in testimonies from people who have been affected by our work. Unfortunately, the stories have not yet been translated into English.

isabell sitter framför en punktskriftsmaskin i ett klaarum och ler hon har vit skoluniform och mörkt hår i en tofs

Today, Isabell counts

Tårarna börjar rinna på Rosa Montana när hon 25 år efter att hon började kämpa för sin dotters rätt till utbildning hör Isabell säga

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En kvinna med mörkt hår ler

Anusha is a full-fledged businesswoman

Anusha Ederage's voice is clear and beautiful. Her dance is full of empathy and you can sense the meaning of the song even if you do not understand the words. When Anusha takes over the floor, it is as if everything around her disappears. Her presence in the dance and the song is complete.

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En flicka med mörkt hår tittar in i kameran

A country with many pitfalls

Åsa Nilsson är med som ledsagare när Synskadades Riksförbund besöker sin samarbetsorganisation i Managua, Nicaraguas huvudstad. Hon blir förundrad över hur någon som är

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Sele sitter vid sin skolbänk och skriver

Sele's school has been adapted to his needs

Harness is 11 years old. He has a disease called hydrocephalus. It can lead to dementia and physical disabilities. Sele has been lucky enough to attend a school that has chosen to learn how they can adapt the school and teaching so that Sele can participate.

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Jados son Massa binder sin get vid ett träd.

Jado fights for his sons to be respected

Jado lives with his family in the small village of Urugero, in the eastern province of Rwanda. He has six children. Two of them are blind. None of the sons have been allowed to go to the village school because the teachers have not considered it relevant that they should receive an education.

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