
Webinar: Peace for All

Do you want to know more on how persons with disabilities are affected by conflicts and how we can create meaningful participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in peacebuilding?

MyRight is pleased to invite you to a webinar that will focus on inclusion of persons with disabilities in conflict and post-conflict situations.

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Date and time: 11 March 2022, 10.00-12.00 AM (CET)

Venue: Teams

Topic: Peace for All – Disability inclusion in conflict and post-conflict situations. The webinar aims to increase the visibility of persons with disabilities. Speakers will make recommendations addressed to governments and other key stakeholders for the inclusion and effective participation of persons with disabilities in global development and peacebuilding processes.

Language and accessibility: The webinar will be held in English with Swedish sign language interpretation. Requests for Swedish sign language interpretation should be sent to anmalan@myright.se by 8 March. Additional accessibility requests and questions can be sent to the same e-mail address.

Technical details: The webinar will be conducted via Teams, allowing participants to turn on their cameras and microphones when given the word to ask a question or make a comment as we wish to make it inclusive and interactive. This is optional and you can also stay muted with your camera off during the whole webinar.

Registration: Please register to the webinar by sending an email to anmalan@myright.se by 8 March. A link to the webinar will be sent out to those who have registered.


Moderator: Jesper Hansén, Secretary General, MyRight

Welcoming words

A global perspective on disability
Nønne Schjærff Engelbrecht, Programme Development Advisor, MyRight

Film: Peace for All

Key lessons learnt about inclusion of persons with disabilities in peacebuilding
Ingela Andersson, former Project Manager, MyRight


Perspectives of a peacebuilder with disability
Jelena Mišić, Disability Rights Activist in Doboj region of Bosnia-Herzegovina

How to engage persons with disabilities in peace and security activities
Binasa Goralija, Country Coordinator of MyRight in Bosna-Herzegovina

Q&A session

Closing remarks 

About the speakers

Ingela Andersson, former Project Manager, MyRight
Ingela was the project manager of MyRight´s project “Inclusion of persons with disabilities in peacebuilding” where she coordinated field studies in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bosnia Hercegovina as well as three reports on the subject. She has been a programme manager and policy specialist in Peace and Human Security at Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation.

Binasa Goralija, Country Coordinator of MyRight Bosnia Herzegovina
Binasa has been Country Coordinator of MyRight Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2009.  Under her management, this organization has been coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the capacity-building programme of persons with disabilities and over 60 of their organizations in five regions of BiH.  Thanks to the programme these Organisations of Persons with Disabilities improved their capacities in monitoring and advocacy and currently present driving force for positive changes in the implementation of human rights of persons with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Binasa has also coordinated the creation of the study “Peace for all – persons with disabilities in peace-building initiatives” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the first international study that involved the experiences of persons with disabilities which results and recommendations will contribute to more inclusive peace-building processes in the future.

Jelena Mišić, Disability rights activist from Bosnia-Herzegovina, MyRight programme
Jelena started her human rights activism in a local organization of persons with disabilities.  She played an important role as a Field Coordinator for the Doboj region in the project “Monitoring of rights of persons with disability and creation of Shadow Report on the implementation of CRPD in Bosnia and Herzegovina” ensuring that the experience of persons with disabilities from the Doboj region is included into the Shadow report. Jelena has been active within the MyRight’s programme of joint activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina especially as president of the Board for the promotion of inclusive education in accordance with article 24 of the CRPD. She has been successfully cooperating with multi-ethnic organizations outside of the disability movement. She is a professor of the English language and currently works as a radio host at the local radio station.

Jesper Hansén, Secretary General, MyRight
Before heading MyRight, Jesper was Director for Asia and Europe at Save the Children Sweden and the Secretary General at the Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights. For several years, he was a lecturer in Human Rights at the University College Stockholm and he has been serving on the boards of Amnesty International Sweden and the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation.

Nønne Schjærff Engelbrecht, Programme Development Advisor, MyRight
Nønne has a background as a journalist and researcher, focusing on corruption as an obstacle to development. At MyRight she works with projects in Asia and Latin America. Before joining MyRight she served as a political advisor within the Swedish disability movement.

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