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MyRight talar på Climate Live i Linköping och Göteborg - MyRight

MyRight speaks at Climate Live in Linköping and Gothenburg

climate live logotyp

MyRight will participate in two of Fridays For Future's concerts for climate justice - Climate Live.

During the late summer, local Fridays For Future groups gather artists, climate scientists and activists on several popular festival stages in Malmö, Gothenburg and Linköping.

During Climate Live i Linköping 26/8 and Gothenburg 1/9 MyRight will give a speech to highlight the functional rights perspective on climate issues. 

read more about environment and climate from a functional rights perspective

read more about Climate Live.

En bild på Rebekah Krebs och Nønne Engelbrecht. På bilden finns även Climate Lives logga, samt datumet av konserten: 1 september

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