First step towards inclusive education

All-inclusive education is a major challenge, even for poor countries, where there are all kinds of knowledge about different types of disability. In Bolivia, there is a wide range of changes between the nines with disabilities related to full access to education. But the little ones who change their minds in the direction of their hopefuls.

Sebastián García also has years of dedication and lives in La Paz, Bolivia. His fathers laughed a lot in order to be accepted into a school in which the masters intended his necessities. Sebastián had autism and during his life he experienced such violence, as discrimination. The family visited and tried 10 special education schools, but none of them accepted it, and neither the masters, nor the directors, but they treated an autistic child.

Emanuel Yucra, is another child who also has eight years of marriage, who lives 200 km away, in the city of Cochabamba. Emmanuel has a hearing impairment and his family has a similar story. All medicines and masters give birth to Emanuel's fathers who are never able to learn anything, because they do not have permission to attend school. The family has to find out what Emanuel's disability means in reality.

Discrimination makes the nines with disabilities

Although education is a fundamental right, and as such is established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, many niches with disability in Bolivia sharing the experience of being denied access to schooling. An early school system, combined with the lack of knowledge and capacity, contributes to the discrimination suffered by Sebastian and Emanuel.

Many countries, including Bolivia, have some inversions in special education schools for the disabled. Demonstrated experience, without embarrassment, that segregation in special education schools has given rise to a new form of exclusion.

- Educate children with disabilities through separate contributions to social integration is more difficult. All rooms are designed to accommodate the needs of the students, says Margot Viña Peláez, professor and director of a school that operates on the basis of an inclusive form of education.

There are a number of experts who are currently working on an 'inclusive education', in particular for special education schools. Inclusive education means, in general, that children with different abilities have the same school. Without embarrassment, in many countries there is a strong opposition to the inclusion of children with disabilities in ordinary schools. In developing countries, where there is a need for good schooling, inclusive education follows, in general, a concept that many people understand.

Its necessary changes with different levels

In Bolivia, there is much to be done in order for a joint schooling to take place in the country, as teaching is adapted to the different needs of the children. The continuous failure of knowledge about the different disabilities is followed by an obstacle to work including inclusion in the schools. Politicians, school staff, care workers and the general public need to understand what the different disabilities mean, as well as the needs and rights that people with disabilities have.

Sebastián's fiancé Tuvieron luchar durante varios aosos para lograr que a su hijo se le diera el diagnostiostico correct. For a long time, the doctors thought it was okay, until finally it was said that what he had was autism. When we know that disability has a level, the results are difficult for professors to adapt to teaching and it can be impossible to find a school that can adequately meet the needs of students.

As no special education school accepts it, Sebastian finally has to start a pre-school for our "common" children. The hope is that the interaction with the other nines will lead to help. Pero the staff finds him in a separate accommodation.

Sebastian with his parents, Franklin and Cristina

His father, Franklin García, says that Sebastián lloraba during various hours when he looked for the pre-school.

- The staff cares about so many things like human calorie, Franklin company.

Pilot schools to demonstrate the practice that includes education

Some positive changes were made in the last few years. New leagues have been promulgated that have a clearer focus on inclusive education, which has influenced mid-level activity in the workforce in the education and training sector for young people and young people with disabilities. Mirta Sejas, official in education, explained to us that the new legislation has made changes in the study plans, and that he has created new courses in inclusive teaching methods and in inclusive pedagogy.

- Now we need to understand that teaching in special education schools, as well as in various day centers, its forms of advancement require an inclusive education. Specially trained teams also met to work on developing criteria and in the evaluation of their children with disabilities who need to assist in a special education school, and those who need to be integrated in a teaching center, , which is the head of the inclusive education department of the Cochabamba Education Administration.

Margot Viña Peláez is the professor and director of a special education school where students with various disabilities, and who also support 900 children and young people with disabilities to assist in the regular school. Margot tells us how his school receives the support of the governor given that he is a pilot model, that he can build and function in the practice of inclusive education.

But there are many challenges. Many professors resist the changes and, at the same time, have some fathers who, like their sovereign guardians with their hats, do not read to their potential, our dice Margot.

The most important are their masters with possessions and with the appropriated abilities

Emanuel's fathers, without embarrassment, find themselves among those who have been accused by a school that allows Emanuel to drop out of his courtesy. And his battle has yielded results. Emanuel now has a master who, through his own initiative, has assisted in various trainings to be able to respond to the needs he has in the auditorium.

- Everything has changed a lot since the legacy of her master, who is not like the other professors, she intends to have joined Emanuel, because she has learned much, says Rocío Yucra, Emanuel's hermana.

Sebastián's fathers also found something that worked for his wife. Sebastián assists a day care center of the organization Despertares. He's much happier now and has started to develop, and can express his more verbal feelings.

- I can not tell you what I mean when I say that he looks at me dearly, he hugs me and says that I love him, son of his mother, Patricia Rojas.

DESPETARES has launched a project in conjunction with Grunden, the member organization of MyRight, which implies that working in conjunction to influence politics and logarize that a more inclusive setting is established. Junto a esto, también tienen un dia donde donde los niños y sus padres van a aprender diferent cosas, lo que contribuye a interaction des ellos y el desarroll de los niños, de modo que muchos des los niños seran capacities de empezar la school in the future.

- Certainly has some advances in Bolivia during the last years, says Isabel Vallejo, collecting the projects of Despertares. But on the other hand, everything is better than what it is in reality. The governor is now funding some training courses to increase the experience and capacity of teachers to be included in more niches, but in practice he can deal with training sessions only three days, which is required only for cambio real.

Isabel tells us that, having a couple of weeks, he visited a school that offered to apply inclusive teaching methods. It was seen that the nines with disabilities were sent to the court, in the posterior part of the classroom, and that they did not participate until the end of the lesson.

An all-inclusive company allows more people to contribute and develop

It's a big challenge, if anything for the poor countries in that the knowledge of the types of disabilities that are being cared for, is launching an inclusive education of acceptable quality. And where quizzes the right to have some type of education many times is a priority for total inclusion in schools. In order to reduce prejudices and negative actions, people with disabilities, and in order to increase their participation in society, it is important to continue with the development of schools as a place to accept and to take into account the different needs and donde más personas tienen la opununidad de contribuir y desarrollarse.

Because, as Nelson Mandela says: "Education is the most powerful army that can be used to change the world."

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