What you need to know about disability and armed conflict – welcome to a one-hour crash course

What you need to know about disability and armed conflict  -A one-hour crash course 

Followed by one-hour session of lessons learned from Bosnia Herzegovina and Q&A  

A women in a wheelchair is carried by ukrainian soldiers over a broken bridge

Date and time: 19th of May 2022 1-3 pm     

Venue: Zoom

Registration: Register by sending an email to anmalan@myright.se no later than 18th of May. A link to the webinar will be sent out to those who have registered the day before the event. 

Topic: More than half of all persons with disabilities live in countries affected by crises and conflicts and they are at greater risk of injury or death in armed conflicts, than persons without disabilities. Right now, in Ukraine, there are about 2.7 million persons living with disabilities, many of which have little to no chance of fleeing or even getting to safety during an emergency.  

Very few humanitarian actors are aware of how, or even if, their efforts during armed conflicts reach persons with disabilities.  

MyRight gives you this a one-hour crash course on what you need to know about persons with disabilities in armed conflict. A focus will be on practical recommendations on how you and your organisation can be more disability-inclusive in your humanitarian efforts.  

After the crash course we will start up the Q & A session with an introduction from persons with experiences from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the nineties who will share their experiences and lessons learned from the war period on how to best assist persons with disabilities.  


Fikret Zuko, president of the Association of blind persons 

Snježana Pađen, member of the Association of paraplegics 

Nataša Maros, former UNHCR member of the monitoring team 

Moderator: Binasa Goralija, regional coordinator Europe 

Language and accessibility: The webinar will be held in in English with Swedish sign-language interpretation. Let us know if you have any other accessibility needs in you registration.   

Technical details: The webinar will be conducted via Zoom, allowing participants to turn on their cameras and microphones to ask a question or make a comment as we wish to make it inclusive and interactive. This is optional and you can also stay muted with your camera off during the whole webinar.  

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